What Sabotages Success? The Hidden Threat of Complaints, Gossip, and Rackets

Our environment, whether at home, at work, or socially, should be a space where we can thrive and prosper freely. It should be a place that embraces us, fosters enjoyment, and empowers the full development of our communication skills and potential.

Eric Stone


Magical Earth by Artist Benichou

But can we all become accountable for great results in our personal and professional lives while developing, and appreciating each other? Let’s explore some helpful distinctions in matters of generating success and accomplishment.

I. I’m trapped in the same filters

While we often think of ourselves as open-minded and objective, our approach to ourselves, our circumstances, and others is frequently filtered and obscured by pre-existing perspectives and ideas. Our upbringing, values, religious beliefs, past experiences, and cultural conditioning are powerful influencers that can reduce our capacity for growth.

In this article, we identify those filters for what they are — an all-pervasive influence that profoundly colors our relationships with people and circumstances, including ourselves.



Eric Stone

In personal growth & development, great outcomes come from authentic shifts in perspective! These essays aim to catalyze awareness and empower creative thinking