Toward a Technology for Awakening

Eric Stone
14 min readDec 19, 2021

Quantum Revelations in Spirit Awareness

©2021 Philippe Benichou

The alien dimension

If I were to be transported to some alternate dimension with the great mission to report on the human condition on earth, I would first say that the planet and the animals are absolutely beautiful. Humans, on the other hand, can display some beauty but for the most part they walk around with a chip on their shoulders. Also, over the centuries, they have been hurting and killing each other without much cause. As a result, collectively, they don’t seem to be having a whole lot of fun while in their bodies.

Now that we’ve established that I have a secret wish to become an alien, I wanted to offer a fresh and creative perspective on existential suffering, and particularly on excess thinking. Beyond that, I will attempt a process, which aims at transcending the many false conceptions we have about being human.

Existential suffering and excess thinking

Up front, I’d like to postulate that the only reason we suffer existentially in our spirit is because we don’t know what we are — rather, we think we know who or what we are. So far, not exactly a completely new idea but I am adding the nuance that if you actually would stop for a moment and contemplate your existence on this planet, it might…



Eric Stone

In personal growth & development, great outcomes come from authentic shifts in perspective! These essays aim to catalyze awareness and empower creative thinking