Are you Good at Saying No?

Eric Stone
5 min readAug 9, 2020

Not living life according to one’s true self can be very painful. It is possible to outgrow conditioning and the way we have been programmed in all its forms, masks and disguises. Is the only Path to Self-Love Learning How to Say No! 80% of the battle is becoming aware of it.

The path to self-love is a very sensitive process, inward, very personal and unique to each individual.

As a husband and wife team, we came to the potent and beautiful realisation that we had placed so many pictures and fantasies around so many things that it prevented us from seeing more clearly who we actually are.

We began to understand programming and conditioning in a whole new way.

Awakening is not a becoming; it is the love of the Self as it is, in the now.

–Ra Uru Hu.

To embark on a de-conditioning process is a deeply personal matter NOT a master class one can take in order to achieve a result or follow some Guru or, still, participate in a cult.

This de-conditioning and reconditioning started a long time ago in our case and there are so many lessons which have become great signposts.

The art of saying NO

Until you say NO you’re stuck in the first 7 years of your life where everyone was telling you who you were and what to do. Not learning how to say no is a vicious cycle with no confidence, self-worth or truth.

Until you say NO you just don’t know yourself, you don’t have yourself so you don’t get to have your life. It’s the hardest thing you can do for yourself. This is the equation for your successful and satisfying life, otherwise you are simply fooling with false cognition and false concepts…and all of it to make you avoid saying NO.

We have a real self and a false self. The false-self has a strategy for thinking not a strategy for living.

Not knowing how to say NO is just an example of how easy it is in life to lose your personal power. My wife and I are more at peace now with how everyone is affected by their conditioning without knowing it and how we all act from it and within it. Nobody is to blame. Ignorance is the problem.

Some background

Since the discovery of neutrinos we now understand that the universe is a gigantic information feed. Everything in it communicates at almost the speed of light because we discovered neutrinos have mass.


Neutrinos are unusual particles that carry an infinitesimal amount of mass. About 3 trillion neutrinos and the material information they carry, pass through every square inch of the planet per second as it travels slightly below the speed of light. Our Sun produces about 70 percent of all neutrinos that travel through our solar system, with the remaining 30 percent emitted by other stars in our Galaxy, and a small amount from the planet Jupiter.

In 2015, the scientists Takaaki Kajita (Super-Kamiokande Collaboration) and Arthur B. McDonald (Sudbury Neutrino Observatory Collaboration) were awarded a Nobel Prize for the discovery of neutrino oscillations, which showed that neutrinos have mass.

Demons, Aliens and Gods

We are constantly penetrated by thought forms. It’s quite extraordinary to understand. There are so many. I see the thought entities, demons, ghosts, Gods, aliens and angels all bundled together in massive formations that traffic day and night; the greed bundles, the control everyone and everything bundles, the dominance and competitive bundles, the victim bundle, the rage bundles, the nothing is ever enough bundles, the using of each other bundles, the religious bundles, the fear bundles, the death bundles, the seduction field bundles, the people pleasing and apologetic bundle, the desire of fame and everlasting youth and beauty bundles, etc.

We are part of the Program

These thought forms are programming us all; it’s extraordinary to see without blame and without judgment but to SEE. There’s hardly any spirit in any of it: meaning no creativity nor warmth nor love. It’s just there and we are at the effect of it with hardly any means to stop it or divert it or even bargain with it.

What is happening that is honest is that we need creative exchanges with people. I find that behind all that expressing of the false self is the true path one should take; and if the path is already there, it becomes so much easier as the things are illuminated and so much more richness is visible. To me, that is the adventure of self-discovery and self-love worth fighting for.

Not living one’s life according to one’s true self is very painful. It is possible to outgrow conditioning and the way we have been programmed in all its forms, masks and disguises. 80% of the battle is becoming aware of it.

From fears to addictions to excesses and hanging on to things that are not good for us only because we don’t know the path to self-love experientially.

Here’s how we lose the connection to our true self:

Thinking about things that do not matter. Taking responsibility for things that have nothing to do with us. Not confronting truth and abusive people in our lives. Surrendering our power and authority to the most ridiculous things and people, institutions and false Gods. Needing constant approval. Constantly thinking we have to prove ourselves to this one or that one, become number one. Not knowing when enough is enough. Hanging to things and people that are not good for us. Getting so busy and trying to accomplish everything so fast only to discover there’s always more to do. Always looking for direction. Being distracted though our endless triggers and not integrating the many facets of our child within.

How do you practice? Free your mind by watching your mind with its meaningless claims and concerns. You will notice your mind is always worried and always afraid of something—watch that don’t become that! It is potentially so powerful and can become a true transcendence in that sense.

I know and understand now that it cannot happen until my mind and my conscious self are set free. I truly hear the thoughts in my mind as I write saying “who are you kidding”? But I am watching that :)

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A Cutting-Edge Approach To Living Creatively As Yourself.



Eric Stone
Eric Stone

Written by Eric Stone

In personal growth & development, great outcomes come from authentic shifts in perspective! These essays aim to catalyze awareness and empower creative thinking

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