How well do you know the Source of your Success?
What is most important to you? Money and Wealth? Work and Career? Success & Accomplishments? Recognition & Admiration? Achievement & Fame? Competitiveness & Winning? Love and Sex?
Or are you a person who favors: Relationships? Competence? Leadership? Compassion? Contribution? Spirituality? Peace? Morals? Principles? Politics? Health?
Understanding Context, Archetypes, and Alignment
A human being relies on several meaningful foundations from which to grow, thrive and evolve. They are primordial backbones to his journey on earth. They can also lead to transformational experiences and out of the ordinary breakthroughs. Essential to his wellbeing and development, they represent what “energizes” his path to fulfillment.
We must first explore the concept of context and archetypes in the human experience.
In a nutshell, we travel through contexts and archetypes. They are ruled by a system of hierarchies which act as background frequencies maintaining all in place. It is context that gives birth to archetypes, which are a direct function of upbringing and early conditioning.
Explanation: context is usually understood as « the circumstances that form the setting for an event, statement, or idea, and in terms of which it can be fully understood. Or it has to do with the context of a sentence in a book. To give it context, etc.
Context possesses a different mythology, unknown to many. Context, from this new viewpoint is not a circumstance, abstract or otherwise. Context gives birth to content. The “baby” (your projects, results, commitments to them) is the product of birthing, as a CONTEXT. Like water is to the fish or air to the bird, the context of man is himself as a context. It is water that makes « fish » possible. Often, we confuse the two. Context and content. Fish is content. Same with birds and air. As a clear example, the results we produce in life are CONTENT. For a religious person, GOD is CONTEXT. Humans, prayers, etc., then, are the CONTENT…it is another example.
Common contexts for human beings are: not being good enough, which gives birth to “the victim”. Others are: something is wrong with me or them (the complainer), feeling responsible (the therapist or the righteous), always having to please or pacify people around us (the doormat or the vindictive), life is hard (the struggler), etc. As other examples, control and domination create bullies and oppressors.
“All magic in life is a shift in perspective, which is a shift in context”.
For instance, lack is a context and so is rich. It creates the archetype of the poor and the destitute. Rich as a context generates the wealthy. As another pertinent example, taking things personally, emotionally and making things wrong are at the root of an out-of-balance life. It leads to a constant assessment that nothing is ever right. The dissatisfied as an archetype is born.
When we are healthy or desire to transcend our original contexts and archetypes, there is only one option: to become aware of what context and archetype is at play and accept being challenged to the task of overcoming it. It gets replaced by a new context. It is all a game of authority. It says that growing up, we were robbed of our ability to create and own our contexts and archetypes. Often, we are bullied and pushed to the side, ignored, ridiculed and abused. Unknowingly, we give up our capacity to challenge and confront head on those around us, the ones who intend to rob us of our power and right to our own authority.
These are the areas in life where we invent or are seduced by (good or bad), the most contexts and archetypes:
Money and Wealth. Work and Career. Success. Accomplishments. Recognition. Admiration. Achievement. Fame. Competitiveness. Winning. Love and Sex. Relationships. Competence. Leadership. Compassion. Contribution. Spirituality. Peace. Morals. Principals. Politics. Health.
Typically, there are three areas that matter most. They are all unique and lead the others within a hierarchy of importance. These areas are the domains where one is challenged to surpass and move up the ladder of evolution. If one or more is missing or ignored, things move out of balance very quickly. Knowing what your wellbeing and success hierarchy is, can be extremely valuable. It acts as a signpost when things don’t feel right.
Additionally, if your own individual hierarchy is not respected, it can potentially lead to the following issues (the signposts when life doesn’t feel good). When these signposts are activated, it’s time to realign to what matters to you most. Adjustments must be made to take yourself back to alignment.
Some mild and others severe, here are some symptoms when life is out of balance:
Out of integrity, lies, lack of trust, worry, stress and tension, betrayal, fear to be judged, negative internal monologues, confusion, strongly held beliefs or perspectives, lengthy unnecessary explanations, loud unfounded opinions, non-stop blabbering, judgements, unfair criticism, verbal attacks, all forms of oppression and repression (physical, emotional, mental, etc.), violence, covert hatred, slander, and gossip.
More examples: righteousness, pressure, inhibition, lack of self-worth, conceit, nervousness, timidity, dishonesty, envy, jealousy, obsession, covert anger, provocation, indifference, threat, arrogance, silent treatment, rage, blame, guilt, and shame, people pleasing, inconsistencies, avoidance, burnout, incompletions, health problems, chronic dissatisfaction, depression, panic attacks, abuse, drug use, criminal behavior, severe anxiety, personality disorder, money problems, unmanageable debt, bankruptcy, and possibly suicide.
The following are not suggesting an order or a specific hierarchy.
- Self-knowledge. Personal empowerment. To know thyself & learn.
- Work & Career. Fulfillment through work and career.
- Intelligence. Problem solving. Growth through research. Alertness.
- Freedom and Adventure. Excitement, challenges, etc.
- Success. Accomplishments. Universalizing an idea or service.
- Recognition. Being known. Admiration, Achievement, Fame.
- Competitiveness. Proving one’s worth. Power. Win and Be first!
- Love. Relationships. Sharing, bonding, family, connectedness, etc.
- Competence. Leadership. Being great. Discipline & high standards.
- Money and Wealth.
- Health & Vitality. Feeling good.
- Spirituality. Contribution. God. Peace. Morals, beliefs & principles.