Great Speaking Happens in Real Time

Free Your Speaking Voice in Matters of Communication & Performance Skills. How to Impact with Power and Transform Your World

Eric Stone



There are essentially two times in matters of communication and performance skills: mind time and real time, also called body time. One is experiential (real time) and the other conceptual or mental (mind time).

Mind time is the realm and speed of thoughts and images. Mind time sees everything conceptually and abstractly. If I ask you to think of a house right now, you will picture it abstractly in your mind without questioning its lack of reality (the concept of a house versus the real house). The house will have a certain shape, color, background, etc. You will “see” or project the house in your mind, but there will be no “actual” house. The same goes for the illusion of art. The artist may have arranged shapes, lines and colors to paint, let’s say a horse or a portrait of someone, but there is no horse or person on the canvas. The mind believes it is a horse because it projects and remembers what a horse or a person looks like.

Contrastingly, real time or body time is experiential and therefore, physical in nature. Animals and children…



Eric Stone

In personal growth & development, great outcomes come from authentic shifts in perspective! These essays aim to catalyze awareness and empower creative thinking