Are You Tired of Therapy not Making a Dent in Your Self-Confidence?

Energize Your life and True Creative Potential with this Simple Tool.

Eric Stone
3 min readFeb 10, 2024

In my long career as an acting and performance coach, I have encountered a large number of people who complained to me about not getting the value and results they paid for while in therapy.

Many sat on a therapist’s couch for up to 10 years and participated in groups aiming at healing their trauma. One of them shared that the boldest thing they ever did was to leave their shrink. I asked her permission to talk and include her experience. Here’s what she said:

“It did wonders for my self-confidence. I have come to realize for myself that traditional therapy is extremely limited; mainly due to the fact I was trying to process my emotions through my mind. I realized that self-confidence comes from being in touch with one’s emotions where they live — inside the body, not in the mind. Taking acting classes with a professional coach reconnected me to myself in ways that I could have never imagined”.

The Truth About Energized Living

Most people do not know this but there are 4 energy motors in the body:

(1) The Life Force, our Generative and Creative Energy, commonly called “gut feelings” or instincts.

(2) Our Will Power, Courage, Willfulness, commonly given the name “Ego”.

(3) Our Emotional Life, our feelings, and emotions.

(4) The Fuel For Life. Our capacity to be motivated and energized to get things done.

These 4 hubs of energy and life force are very powerful, When set in motion, they can generate much boldness, aliveness and satisfaction. These motors are ignored for the benefit of our minds. We give a lot of attention and power to our thoughts. The problem with the mind is that it is not a motor. If it was, we would accomplish miracles by just thinking about whatever we want to manifest. Thinking to win the lottery does not make you win. Imagining you are taller than you are does not add inches to your height, etc. Here’s more from my student:

I started in therapy believing that somehow I could understand in my mind something about my past and that somewhere the magic wand of self-confidence would be waved over me. As I spent more and more money, self-confidence kept eluding me.

When one starts to speak from their motors, their eyes get clear, their bodies get healthier and their internal organs are energized and nourished by it. When you give your mind a break from trying to dream up your life, these energy centers begin to get activated. After all, it’s your life force. It is similar to getting in touch with a new source of power, away from excess thinking.

We’ve all been in the situation when the mind (our thoughts) pressures us to “push the river” and act unnaturally. It results in excess thinking, stress, and ineffective busyness. To attempt to frantically control our lives and future leaves us exhausted, frustrated, angry or bitter. This lack of trust can be very costly, while self-confidence is nowhere to be found.

In conclusion, to accessing your true organic self, all you have to do is activate these formidable motors and energize your self-confidence, presence and unique self-expression. Give yourself a true gift and take a quantum leap into self-confidence! Discover your real responses to life, in any personal or professional situation — it is so worth it!

The last words from my student:

I am so grateful that I stopped letting my mind run my life and that I woke up to the truth of who I am.



Eric Stone
Eric Stone

Written by Eric Stone

In personal growth & development, great outcomes come from authentic shifts in perspective! These essays aim to catalyze awareness and empower creative thinking

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